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The City Security Council (CSC) was originally established in the City of London but is now open to any ACS accredited security company or company working towards the relevant British standard wherever they are based in the UK to join us.

In order to achieve the strategic aim, all CSC members, must be ACS accredited or be working towards achieving this standard or working towards the relevant British Standard.

Membership criteria will be reviewed annually to ensure the CSC remains relevant, representative, and collaborative. The group shall meet every two months and be chaired by a founding member for one year.

The Executive Group membership includes key external stakeholders, including the City of London Corporation, the City of London Police, the London First Brigade, and the Security Industry Authority.

CSC group

Each member company has invested in specific training for their security officers. This training originates in Police Horizon Training and works in partnership with Griffin/ACT, and Argus-established training and awareness programs. Where possible share training resources across the members to ensure the same high standards and establish a uniform baseline knowledge. Membership requires a dedicated commitment to this training and exploring a CSC Academy.

The City of London, its businesses, and the public at large stand to benefit from the CSC through the coordinated and collaborative deployment of trained member resources across sites and public spaces during times of crisis.

CSC Officers day

For further information on joining, please contact the Chair


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